Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yesterday Was Day 1 of Insanity

And it was insane, to say the very, and I mean very least. It was only the fit test, but it kicked my butt. I'm reporting now solely to postpone day 1 of the actual workouts, which is the "plyometric cardio circuit."

(Do what now? What's a plyometric? Apparently spell check doesn't know either, which makes it seem like a made-up word for "kill yourself now.")

I decided to do the Insanity workout because I have a hard time keeping focused at the gym. I've been going pretty regularly now for about 2 months, and I have lost 7 lbs., 3 inches off my hips, and an inch off of my thighs and waist. I still have a long way to go. Amazing how easily it all sneaks up on you. I played sports all through high school, and while I could never be considered skinny, I was much healthier, leaner, and in better shape overall. Although now I know how to dress myself and do my hair and makeup, so that has to count for something right? But I do miss the days of required (the most important word!), 5X per week, intense workouts all kicked off with a few weeks of conditioning to combat those pesky high school rules of not having the players actually play the sport until a certain date.

Insanity will hopefully prove to be my annoying high school coach, come back to haunt me and my extra 20 lbs. And in order to really make myself truly accountable and open with this journey, I will post before pictures. Terrifying, really, but everyone likes pictures.

First off, this is my set-up for the living room. I bought some of those piece together mats at Lowe's to help my knees absorb the shock.

And now, most reluctantly, I post my before pictures for your enjoyment. Don't let the smile fool you, folks. I just really hate somber expressions on people's faces.

All I can say is thank goodness I'm somewhat tan... gives the illusion of muscles.

Not sure what the above pose is supposed to show besides my behind, but body builders do it, so I can too! (I guess that goes for the below picture as well)

Overall I am looking to lose the deceptively thick layer of fat that has slowly built its way around my body. I don't think I have any major problem areas, I just need to carve a little off the top... of everything. Feel free to creep this blog, add words of encouragement, join me for a jog at the gym or a hike up Kennesaw Mountain, and/or suggest pointers.

By the way, here are my day 1 fit test results if anyone is interested:
1. Switch Kicks................53
2. Power Jacks................22
3. Power Knees...............60
4. Power Jumps..............20
5. Globe Jumps...............5
6. Suicide Jumps.............5
7. Push-up Jacks.............10
8. Low Plank Oblique.......32


  1. Wow! I have always wanted to do a blog like this. However, I've never felt I had the guts...bad choice of words....to see it through. I think this is awsome. It will keep you honest. The pictures will help you appreciate your hard work and will make you realize what you need to fix. I still have my first picture of when I decided I needed to uncover the old me. And it would be an understatement to say it was easy. I will definitely follow and join you for Kennesaw Mountain. Keep up the insanity!

  2. Thanks, Billy! I've always wanted to start a blog, but I never knew what the theme of it could be. Sure I did the angsty teen diary scene back in high school, but I love the idea of this. Hopefully I can motivate others while motivating myself. Let me know when you would like to go to Kennesaw Mountain!

  3. I'm a friend of Rach's! I'm rooting for ya! I have 15 ish more pounds of baby weight to lose... So not fun! On a random note: I use to live in a house in Acworth that was your exact same floor plan! :)

  4. Thank you, Hillary! Good luck with your 15 lbs. It's always the last little bit that's the hardest, but I'm sure it's also the most rewarding! (I wouldn't know from personal experience... yet!) And I feel like I've lived in this house since I graduated from high school, only it's been different versions/locations. Apparently builders haven't gotten very creative in the past 10 years. At least I'll always know where to put the furniture!
