Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 15 of Insanity

It's hard to believe I've been doing this for 2 weeks now! Today marks day 15 of Insanity, which means the second, dreaded Fit Test, weight/measurement recordings, and picture updates. I know you're all dieing to see hot pictures of me, but let's start with my Fit Test results from this evening.

Just in case you can't read it, it says I'm a bad ass baller. Seriously though, I didn't think these kind of numbers were even capable for me. I'm really psyched with my improvement. My main method consisted of checking my score from the first Fit Test prior to doing the move and then powering through until I hit that number. If I could keep going, I did; if I couldn't, I took a small break and then forced myself to continue, trying hard not to glance up at the timer. I thought my stamina was improving--even though I have yet to complete a workout 100%--but this is real proof.

I'll be honest though, this Fit Test kicked my butt (just like the first time all over again). I felt nauseous and dizzy when I finished, which means I must have really gone as hard as possible. At one point, my heart rate monitor said I reached 92% (during the Power Jumps). I paused the DVD during the next break to give myself extra time to come back down. I wish I had done more Globe Jumps, but I was exhausted at that point. New goal for week 4!

Next is a quick rundown of my weight and inches lost since I began Insanity. Remember, I started working out in January, a few months prior to doing this particular program, so I'll be listing Insanity results and overall results.

In terms of weight, I've lost 2.5 pounds with Insanity, and 10 pounds overall!

In terms of inches...
     Chest: 1 inch since Insanity/1 inch overall
     Arms:  .5 inch since Insanity/.5 inch overall (but my, have they toned and strengthened up!)
     Waist: 1 inch since Insanity/3 inches overall!
     Hips:   0 inch since Insanity/3 inches overall!
     Thigh: .5 inch since Insanity/2 overall

And now for the moment everyone loves, and I loathe (but hey, it's going to keep me honest)... pictures!

I can really tell in my waist that I've lost some weight--thank goodness! I also notice that my shoulders are starting to strengthen up, which is making me look more proportionate. I have to say one of the main reasons for doing this whole lifestyle change is not only to become more healthy, but also to see what my body is capable of doing and looking like. We only get one, why not use it to the best of its ability?

I don't notice too much of a visual change with this angle, but I can certainly feel that my hamstrings and back muscles are getting a lot stronger.

Check out those obliques!

See what I mean about the shoulders?

Overall, I'm really happy with my progress over the last two weeks. If anyone has any pointers on how to maximize my results in the upcoming weeks before Fit Test 3, I'd love to hear them (exercise, nutrition, or otherwise), especially since I may be running my first 10k July 4th. Thanks in advance!


  1. All I have to say is dammmmmmmmmmmnnnnn! You look great. I can see a big difference. Your absolutley right about your shoulders and obliques....huge difference. Every picture tells the story of improvement.

    As far as honing in your nutrition, cut down any sugars other than fruits earlier in the day. And no food two hours before bed. See how that works for a little while.

  2. Thanks, I can't wait to do a comparison shot from day 1 and day 60! Also, thank you for the tips. The sugar thing will be pretty easy to do (I don't have much of a sweet tooth), but the not eating 2 hours before bed will be a little harder, especially on the nights I close. I guess I'll have to figure out quick and small mini meals I can scarf down during a quick run through the back of the house.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Keep up the good work... I keep wanting to start the insanity workout, but school has been keeping me quite busy(
    or at least that is my current excuse). I am still trying to run as much as possible since I am doing the Peachtree RR this year too.

  5. Thanks, Jamison! You should definitely try it. It's only about 1-1.5 hour commitment 6 days a week, and you don't have to drive to gym or anything like that.

    I hope I can do the Peachtree RR--still trying to find a number. I've signed up for a bunch of 5k's in preparation. Maybe I'll see you there!
