Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fit Test #4 and Day 57 Pictures!

I feel like I've been somewhat MIA both on this blog and in regards to my goals this past week. Hopefully I've jumped that little hurdle and can focus on my final week (!) of Insanity. I'm ecstatic to have made it this far. Honestly after the first week I wasn't sure I could do it.

And to be even more honest, this past week I wasn't sure I could, or rather, wanted to finish it either. I just felt... blah all over. My workouts were compromised--I would give up way before I needed to--and my nutrition was off. Funny though that my idea of a binge has changed. Before I could eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's after a full meal from Taco Bell and not even think twice. Now, if I eat two servings of Chex Mix instead of one I feel like I need to go run.

I think my recent plateau has also gotten to me. I know I shouldn't focus on the numbers, but I'm discouraged that this second month isn't giving me the results that the first month did. I really wanted to make it to a 20 lb. weight loss by the end of the program. Right now I've been floating around a 17 lb. loss (give or take water weight) for about 2 weeks. However, I did figure out my fat weight loss (by multiplying my starting weight by my starting body fat percentage to get lbs. in fat and subtracting my current weight x current body fat percentage). The results show me at a 19.3 lb. fat weight loss (meaning I've gained around 2 lbs. of muscle! Whoo!). Maybe I should readjust my expectations and shoot for burning off that last .7 lbs. of fat--an easier goal to accomplish in one week!

As for my 4th fit test (finished it a week ago, but just now posting it. Sorry!), I think I've also started to plateau on my ability to do some of the moves, or maybe I was just having a crappy day. Geoff did this fit test with me and was able to keep up for the most part. I was really hoping to beat him on everything, but at least I wasn't as spent as him in the end. Partway through he looks at me and says, "I feel like I'm going to throw up." Yeah, buddy, that's how I feel every day!

I was really upset that I regressed on the Power Jacks. Geoff's observation with that move is that while they aren't necessarily difficult, they take a lot of time to complete a single one. I'm going to shoot for speed on my last fit test. I'm extremely proud of my 35 Power Jumps.

I. HATE. THOSE. They are literally the worst.

In other news, as you may recall I attended the complimentary yoga in the park a couple of weeks ago (put on by Karma Yogini's). It was excellent! The girls were very beginner-friendly and laid back. I didn't feel out of place or incapable at all (so much so that it inspired me to by a yoga deal on LivingSocial!).

They are holding another complimentary class May 26th at 11:00 a.m. (also at Swift Cantrell Park), so come out and try it! I'll be sporting my free swag that I scored at the first session!

I love free shirts! 

Speaking of Swift Cantrell, I also ran the Swift Cantrell Classic 5k this past weekend. My time at my first ever 5k (Knock Out Cancer) exactly a month ago was 34:48. My time for this race? 31:09! That's a 3:39 improvement in one month! I attribute this to running a 3.1 mile loop every Sunday (Acworth Running Club!) which has really trained not only my body, but my mindset. I guess even if the numbers on the scale aren't encouraging, these numbers should be! I really want to complete a 5k in under 30 minutes and if I'm able to get a number for the Peachtree Road Race, my ultimate goal is to finish that (a 10k) in under an hour. Train train train!

(This was Geoff's first 5k. He ran it in 26:06. He said he really wants to finish one in under 25 minutes, so I'm hoping that can be the motivation for him to do a few more with me!)

In nutritional news, I have a new favorite drink: a vanilla protein coffee frappe. De-licious and so easy to make! This was inspired after I realized that it's virtually impossible to get a flavored coffee drink at Starbucks (or anywhere else for that matter) under 100 calories. Seriously, what do they put in those things? This is all you need for mine: (Note--No artificial sweeteners! Yay for me!)

I brew a super concentrated cup or two of Cafe' Bustelo (the best coffee I've come across in terms of taste and affordability--you can find it in the ethnic foods aisle at the grocery store if it's not with the coffee). Combine this in a blender with ice, 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, and a scoop of vanilla whey protein. For about 150 calories you get your protein and a nice caffeine buzz--totally worth the calories if you consider the protein alone is 140!

I've also been trying to cut out the deli meat like everyone's suggested, finding other substitutes for sandwiches and protein. I will never go completely vegetarian, but I do love vegetables, and I'm beginning to get over the mindset that each meal needs to include meat to be considered complete.

The other day I made a portobello mushroom sandwich with spinach, tomatoes, spicy mustard, and sprouts. So good!

By the way the chips are Kettle Brand Baked Chips (do what now!?)--finally some baked chip options that don't taste like cardboard! These are still a rare indulgence because I know they are mostly nutritionally deficient, but seeing as I love chips, at least these don't make me feel terribly guilty after eating them (only 140 calories for 20 chips!).

Okay, I guess that's enough stalling. Time for progress pictures!

I think the Day 43 and Day 57 pictures look like they could have been hours apart, except for my wild lion's mane in the Day 57 (ignore that). I feel like my body is improving, but it's just not showing! I'm waiting until the last day of the program to put up pictures that are literally before and after (no progression), so until then I need to stay positive. I do like to put my hand up and block out the middle pictures and compare--it helps a little!

However, I will say that my arms look better (to me) and the past measurements for my hips finally showed the improvement--down 1.5-2 inches since the previous week! Maybe I was holding the tape wrong last time?

 I feel like such a goober when I take these photos. I'm just glad no one's home when I do it!

There you have it! I'm not super thrilled by this week's photos, but again, I need to be positive. If I'm maintaining at least it means I'm not gaining, which is a good thing. Possibly my body has simply gotten used to the workouts. I'm excited to finish Insanity and see what else there is to challenge myself. I've already gotten interested in yoga; I have a pending date with a hip-hop cardio class; and my brother-in-law wants me to try rock climbing. I'm just so happy that I've gotten to the point where I actually enjoy working out, or at least feel the need like a bad habit to do something active every day. I still can't believe how a few months ago I would lie around on the couch, eating crap, doing nothing all day, and complain about my weight. Seriously? What did I think was going to happen?

If you ever, ever see or hear of me doing this again--please feel free to give me a swift kick in the ass, or at least an invitation to go running!

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