Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chorizo Chili Recipe

So we're in the second week of my box's paleo/body comp challenge, and I'm trying really hard this go around to be more creative in the kitchen. The last challenge I ended up eating mostly eggs and tuna because I was too lazy (read: scared) to try anything daring.

I've found some recipes on pinterest, some I've made up on my own, and others come from a very convenient

They have a paleo option and send you a weeks worth of dinner recipes and a corresponding grocery list. I've started picking and choosing things I'd like to try, because some of them don't sound that great. For the nights I don't follow emeals, I experiment on my own or fall back on a tried and true recipe. One of which I've made a ton of times, with a few variations depending on what I've got in the pantry. No matter what, it's always super easy to prepare and turns out great every time.

I present to you Chorizo Chili:


2 lbs. chorizo sausage (the ground kind in the plastic "tubes," not the sausage links)
2 cans organic tomato juice (you can also sub 1 of these for 1 can of organic chicken broth)
1 can organic tomato paste

2 small tomatoes
1/2-1 small onion (depending on your preference)
1 cup of small green olives

2 tbsp. minced garlic
2 tbsp. lemon or lime juice
2 tsp. cayenne pepper
2 tsp. chili pepper
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 small bunch of cilantro

1. Dice the tomatoes, green olives, and onion into small pieces (you can also put them in a food processor if you prefer your chili not chunky--either way it tastes the same, just a texture preference). 

2. Place the chorizo, tomato juice/paste (or broth), and diced or processed veggies into a crockpot. Add the seasonings minus the cilantro (don't skip the cinnamon--it adds a unique taste I've come to love about this chili) and cook on low for 6 hours. Easy as that. 

3. Add the cilantro after plating. (Serves 6-8 adults)

I normally eat this over smashed sweet potatoes topped with guacamole or avocado slices. It's also delicious by itself or topped with a fried egg.

As a bonus, I also tried a dessert recipe today I found on pinterest. It turned out pretty awesome, so I'll share that with you as well. The original recipe is here, which I'll post below verbatim with my changes in italics.

Banana Chocolate Almond Pie:


Bottom Ingredients:
1.5 cup walnuts
1 ripe banana
15 medjool dates (I couldn't find fresh dates, so I ended up using Dole chopped dates in a bag--found near the raisins, etc.)

Top Ingredients:
1 ripe banana
4 tbsp almond butter (I used MaraNatha's no stir maple almond butter)
4 tbsp raw honey (I only added 2 tbsp, and I really think you could get away with none--everything else is sweet enough)
1/4 cup raw cacao
(I also added a splash of heavy whipping cream to help the raw cacao mix in more easily)

1. Combine bottom ingredients in a food processor and process until well blended. There were some chunks remaining, but as long as it’s predominantly smooth, you should be good.

2. Spread blended bottom ingredients in a glass pan. I put some plastic wrap in the bottom to make removing the bars from the pan once frozen so much easier! Spread out the mixture until evenly distributed.

3. Combine topping ingredients in a food processor and process until well blended, should be smooth. Beware, this stuff is dangerously delicious. Try and contain yourself from eating it all at once!

4. Spread blended topping ingredients over bottom ingredients in pan.

5. Place in the freezer for a couple hours.

6. Remove from pan, cut into squares and serve! (Makes 18 or so 1-inch squares). (I didn't have a square pan, so I put this in a pie dish, which is why I'm calling it a pie and not squares! :) )

Both of these recipes are extremely easy to prepare, make, store, share, hoard, whatever. I'm going to try to start using this blog to post more recipes, which will hopefully force me to update more than once every few months--something I've been guilty of lately! You can also follow me on instagram at rgkeener4387. I've started posting pictures of paleo meals (mostly) daily.

If you want some more paleo inspiration, let me suggest following LiveLifePaleo, paleomg, livinpaleo, balancedbites, and dieffs on instagram. They post some pretty amazing stuff!

Monday, November 5, 2012

A (not so) Short Recap of the Past 5 Months...

So we all know that saying, "Better late than never!"


I just realized it's been 5 months since I updated this blog. 5 MONTHS!

In the last entry, I promised that I would update once I returned from vacation. Let's all just pretend that I was on a fabulous extended 5-month vacation, and we can all be super jealous of that fantastical getaway. I know I am.

What I've really been doing these last 5 months is continuing my search for the illustrious "big girl" job, keeping up with and maintaining my fitness (more on that below), getting engaged (!), and feeling super guilty for not sharing it all on here.

I'm still doing CrossFit, and I'm still loving it. I participated in my first competition at the end of September, and it was everything I hoped it would be--competitive, fun, difficult resulting in a sense of accomplishment, and a chance to meet more people in the CrossFit community (an aspect of this type of "workout" that I really think sells it--the fact that it is a largely a community-based effort). I hope to continue CrossFit from this point forward with competition goals in mind. I think it would be amazing to qualify for one at a national level.

In terms of nutrition, as some of you may know, CrossFit is all encompassing in the fact that it stresses fitness as a result of diet. The main site ( preaches the Zone Diet, while my own box prefers to support the paleo way of eating. Paleo is short for paleolithic and essentially tries to emulate the way man ate pre-agricultural era--meaning no grains (crops), dairy (domesticated animals), or legumes (toxins). Looking back at my 2,000 Calorie Day entry, it amazes me how I've basically done a complete rewire on how my brain (and stomach) views proper nutrition. I probably wouldn't eat the majority of what were once staples in my diet.

Of course that's not to say I was wrong with my previous methods. They worked for me. I lost weight and learned portion control and calorie-counting--opening my eyes to how much I had been eating before. However, I no longer track calories. I don't go for low-calorie, carbohydrate-laden snacks. Instead, I now eat high fat, high protein (carbs only after a workout--at least that's the idea). A snack to me now is a handful of almonds or a cold chicken breast from the fridge--options that wouldn't have fit into my strict calorie calculator of days past.

No longer do I subscribe to the 6 small meals a day, needing carbs for energy, eat whatever you want in moderation newsletter. Instead, I eat when I'm hungry, use healthy fats for fuel, and don't eat things that make me feel like crap. It's enlightening... and so much simpler!

We did a body composition challenge at my box (CrossFit-speak for gym) the month of September. Prior to this challenge I was anti-paleo. It went against everything I'd been taught as woman on how to lose weight. But then I realized I'd also been anti-CrossFit, because I thought it would be too hard, and look how well that was going! A 6-week challenge was nothing. What's 6 weeks of your life?

The day before the challenge began we were all dunked in a tank of water (individually) and tested for our body fat. It's called hydrostatic body testing, and you can read all of the science, etc. behind it here. My beginning results were:

Dry Weight: 183.4 lbs
Wet Weight: 5.61 lbs
Body Fat %: 19.7 (which I was very surprised by!)
Weight of Body Fat: 36.1 lbs
Lean Body Mass %: 80.3
Weight of Lean Body Mass: 147.3 lbs

After 6 weeks of solely changing my diet (exercise and sleep levels were the same), my ending results were:

Dry Weight: 182.2 lbs
Wet Weight: 6.16 lbs (I became denser)
Body Fat %: 18.2
Weight of Body Fat: 33.25 lbs (I lost 2.85 lbs of fat)
Lean Body Mass %: 81.75
Weight of Lean Body Mass: 148.95 lbs (I gained 1.65 lbs of muscle)

This may not seem like that dramatic of a change, but I also noticed it in the things you can't measure. I had more energy, especially during my workouts. I was less winded, less sore, and less icky feeling in general. It's amazing how crappy you can feel all the time and never realize it because you think it's the norm. I calculated my calories one day and was surprised to find that I was actually eating MORE--by about 400-500 calories a day, but they were calories my body could actually use.

Seriously, I'm a believer now. Diet is everything.

And not to mention, I now strongly believe that the scale is detrimental to your weight-loss efforts. Prior to all of this, I was so caught up in getting back to my high school weight--170 lbs. I was also very hestitant to post concrete numbers on this blog of how much I weighed. 180 lbs. seems like so much (especially when doing body-weight deadlifts during a WOD)! But now I realize the number has virtually nothing to do with it. I'm back at a size 10 and wearing medium shirts (my size in high school)--and even some of those things are a little loose. But more than any of that, I feel better than I ever did and have much more confidence to boot.

Besides, if I were to make it to 170 lbs. (not saying I won't!), my body fat would be 12-13% relative to my composition now. In high school, at that weight, that's definitely not what I was working with, so why stress about the number?

I have more important things to stress about--like planning a wedding. :) Thank goodness losing weight isn't one of them!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quick Update

No, I haven't completely abandoned this blog, but it has been almost a month since I updated. Shame on me!

It seems to have been so much easier working out at home and immediately posting. Driving home from the gym I have grand ideas, but I arrive home sweaty, stinky, and tired--all of which equals me showering and instantaneously becoming a lazy poop.

I'm on vacation right now, but I promise I will post my progression pictures I took a week ago (again, shame on me!) as soon as I arrive home. I also would like to begin documenting my PRs and progress on here since I began CrossFit a month ago (which I love!).

Until then!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Call Me Crazy

So after completing the Insanity program last Wednesday, I figured I'd take it easy for a little while and then do an eclectic mix of workouts and exercises to keep it interesting.

I've taken a hip hop cardio class (which I loved!), a Zumba class (which really confused me), a few yoga sessions (which is a really nice change of pace), and some traditional gym sessions (which were good, but I felt they lacked some intensity after doing Insanity).

And then the day before Memorial Day, a friend of mine posted a seemingly innocent-sounding status on facebook: "Have you ever wanted to try CrossFit?! Tomorrow is your chance! 10 am HERO workout at CrossFit 140- open to all!"

So I think to myself, "Yeah, I actually have wanted to try it! Why not?"

Little did I know a HERO workout meant it was in honor of a fallen serviceman (police officer, fireman, military, etc.) and is also one of the hardest workouts CrossFit has to offer.

I arrived all smiles and rainbows, oblivious to the torture I was about to inflict upon my body.

We were doing the "Murph" and as prescribed it is as follows:

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

Thank goodness I was new because the owner David allowed me to scale down the workout to half (although I still did the mile run before and after).

I completed it in 48 minutes plus (not sure of the exact time). I was exhausted and sweaty, and my arms felt like noodles.


It provided the intensity I felt I was lacking at the gym along with the camaraderie and group atmosphere I felt was lacking with Insanity.

So I signed up and am now a member of a CrossFit gym. The only reason I hadn't done it before was because of the cost. I couldn't see the justification of such a high price for things I figured I could do on my own. That first session sold me. It's basically like paying for an unlimited personal trainer and joining a sports team at the same time. You get the personalized instruction along with the support of others going through the same hell you are.

I'm terrified, intimidated, nervous, excited, elated, and already hooked.

Tuesday's workout I completed the baseline test (basically the same idea as the fit test), practiced some lifting forms, and then did the WOD (scaled down for me to 3 sets instead of 5).

10 Power Cleans
Row 250 M

Needless to say, after all of that my arms felt awful (but in a strangely good way--like they're finally being worked!). I woke up this morning hoping to the god of fitness that today's workout would be minimal in the arm's department.

Apparently the god of fitness doesn't like me very much.

21 Kettle Ball Swings (35 lbs.)
15 Ring Dips (I ended up having to do these as a negative, with my toe touching the ground; I had absolutely no arm strength left)
9 Man Makers* (15 lbs.)

15 KBS
9 Ring Dips
6 Man Makers

6 Ring Dips
3 Man Makers

I have no idea what my time was, but this workout took me forever. I know it was mostly my lack of strength, but a good amount of it I believe was mental. I need to work on pushing through that. Coach D (the owner of the gym) and Coach Lee were a tremendous help and support. Even though I hate the workout while I'm doing it, I feel enormously accomplished once I finish--a feeling that makes it entirely worth all the sweat and cursing.

I still plan on taking the hip hop cardio classes when I can find the time, because they are more fun than anything else. And I have been keeping up with the running (1-2 mile quick runs a few times a week and the 3.1 mile run on Sundays). This Saturday I'm doing the Virginia Highlands Summerfest 5k. The registration is closed because it sold out, but let me know if you're registered or will be there, and I'll keep an eye out for you!

I'm thrilled to see what the next few months bring in terms of strength and aesthetic change in my body (let's not kid ourselves that this isn't the main reason I--along with most people--work out). Hopefully this next step up will blast through my recent plateau and get me excited about fitness again.

*These are awfully intricate and ridiculously long moves that really shouldn't be considered one thing. Ha! Although they also seem like they're going to be awfully effective and ridiculously crucial. You place two dumbbells about shoulder-length apart on the floor in front of you. With your hands on the dumbbells, basically do a burpee, shooting you legs out behind you. Go down into a pushup, come up, and pull your right arm up at a 90 degree angle (rowing movement). Put it back down, do another pushup, and repeat with your left arm. Jump your feet back up into the starting position, immediately lifting the dumbbells and doing a power clean, except you drop down into a low squat. From there shoot upwards with your legs while simultaneously shooting your arms up over your heads.

That's one.

Seriously, only one.

Although I will say that these were much easier than the Ring Dips!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


That feels so great to type! It's been a tough 2 months (plus a couple of weeks to account for vacation and 5k's), but I'm proud to say I'm finally finished with the Insanity program.

Considering my last progression pictures (found here) were only taken a week ago, the difference from then until now isn't that great, so I'm just going to post before and afters from day 1 to day 63. Here we go!

It's crazy to think that the Day 1 picture was taken after I had already lost 6 lbs. over 2 months (from going to the gym and not eating fried foods). I'm actually glad I don't have any pictures from when I started the whole weight loss journey in January; they'd be pretty embarrassing.

To date I've lost another 12 lbs. with Insanity, bringing my total weight loss over the last 4 months to 18 lbs. However, my total fat weight loss in lbs. (using my body fat percentage) is 20 lbs. (hitting my goal!), which means I've gained 2 lbs. of muscle. (My fat weight loss during Insanity is 13.73 lbs.)

As for inches, I've lost the following with this program:

Arms:  -1 inch (-1 inch total since January)
Chest: -4 inches (-4 inches total since January)
Waist: -3 inches (-4.5 inches total since January)
Hips:  -3.25 inches (-6.25 inches total since January!)
Thigh: -.5 inches (-2 inches total since January)

So as you can see, I lost almost double the inches with Insanity than I did in the same time frame of just going to the gym. This program guarantees quick results (I know I sound like an infomercial, but it's so true!). Although I will say eating right and limiting calories (as well as eating the right kind of calories) also really helped, but nutrition doesn't account for the gain in muscle or muscle tone.

(Sorry for the terrible picture quality; I only have MS Paint on this computer)

And for my final fit test results:

I'm really proud of these results as well. I was determined to double all of my original stats--a goal I was almost able to meet (stupid power knees!).

Overall, I'm psyched with everything I've accomplished so far. I still have further to go; this is definitely not the end of my journey. And while I'd be okay with maintenance at this point, I want to push myself and really see what I'm capable of.

I hope to lose another 10 lbs. (of fat) by the end of summer. I also have the goal of completing a 10k (hopefully the Peachtree Road Race if I can secure a number!) in under an hour. This past Saturday I met my goal of running a 5k in under 30 minutes, coming in at 29:25--a number that I am absolutely thrilled with! I guess the next step will be to shoot for under 28 minutes.

I'm not entirely sure what my workout plan will be following Insanity. It will definitely include running. I've also bought a month pass to a yoga studio, and a friend is starting a boxing gym soon. I was actually a guinea pig for his boxing cardio class last Friday, and it was an absolute blast. It was also a great workout! I may have gotten a little too into it, though, as my knuckles are still pretty rough!

Ouch! I'm pretty sure all of the mud and gunk from Warrior Dash on Sunday did not help the healing process.

Oh yeah--I guess I didn't mention that yet! I was able to procure last minute free (always a plus!) tickets to do Warrior Dash this past Sunday. I ran the Freight Train 5k (setting the aforementioned PR) at 7:30 that morning, came home, changed, and then rode out to Mountain City to participate in the 2:30 wave. I'm for sure doing it again next year! When do you ever get the chance to play in this much mud as an adult!?

...Or jump over fire pits?

(Special thanks to the photographer Brad for capturing these!)

I'm also looking into classes offered at gyms as a great way to make working out interesting. This past Monday I took a hip hop class with a friend, and it was seriously one of the most fun things I've ever done. That is definitely making its way into my fitness rotation.

I guess I'm going to have to look around and find things that interest me. If you know of anything fun and crazy and challenging, sign me up!

I've yet to try rock climbing, but I think it may be next on my list!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fit Test #4 and Day 57 Pictures!

I feel like I've been somewhat MIA both on this blog and in regards to my goals this past week. Hopefully I've jumped that little hurdle and can focus on my final week (!) of Insanity. I'm ecstatic to have made it this far. Honestly after the first week I wasn't sure I could do it.

And to be even more honest, this past week I wasn't sure I could, or rather, wanted to finish it either. I just felt... blah all over. My workouts were compromised--I would give up way before I needed to--and my nutrition was off. Funny though that my idea of a binge has changed. Before I could eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's after a full meal from Taco Bell and not even think twice. Now, if I eat two servings of Chex Mix instead of one I feel like I need to go run.

I think my recent plateau has also gotten to me. I know I shouldn't focus on the numbers, but I'm discouraged that this second month isn't giving me the results that the first month did. I really wanted to make it to a 20 lb. weight loss by the end of the program. Right now I've been floating around a 17 lb. loss (give or take water weight) for about 2 weeks. However, I did figure out my fat weight loss (by multiplying my starting weight by my starting body fat percentage to get lbs. in fat and subtracting my current weight x current body fat percentage). The results show me at a 19.3 lb. fat weight loss (meaning I've gained around 2 lbs. of muscle! Whoo!). Maybe I should readjust my expectations and shoot for burning off that last .7 lbs. of fat--an easier goal to accomplish in one week!

As for my 4th fit test (finished it a week ago, but just now posting it. Sorry!), I think I've also started to plateau on my ability to do some of the moves, or maybe I was just having a crappy day. Geoff did this fit test with me and was able to keep up for the most part. I was really hoping to beat him on everything, but at least I wasn't as spent as him in the end. Partway through he looks at me and says, "I feel like I'm going to throw up." Yeah, buddy, that's how I feel every day!

I was really upset that I regressed on the Power Jacks. Geoff's observation with that move is that while they aren't necessarily difficult, they take a lot of time to complete a single one. I'm going to shoot for speed on my last fit test. I'm extremely proud of my 35 Power Jumps.

I. HATE. THOSE. They are literally the worst.

In other news, as you may recall I attended the complimentary yoga in the park a couple of weeks ago (put on by Karma Yogini's). It was excellent! The girls were very beginner-friendly and laid back. I didn't feel out of place or incapable at all (so much so that it inspired me to by a yoga deal on LivingSocial!).

They are holding another complimentary class May 26th at 11:00 a.m. (also at Swift Cantrell Park), so come out and try it! I'll be sporting my free swag that I scored at the first session!

I love free shirts! 

Speaking of Swift Cantrell, I also ran the Swift Cantrell Classic 5k this past weekend. My time at my first ever 5k (Knock Out Cancer) exactly a month ago was 34:48. My time for this race? 31:09! That's a 3:39 improvement in one month! I attribute this to running a 3.1 mile loop every Sunday (Acworth Running Club!) which has really trained not only my body, but my mindset. I guess even if the numbers on the scale aren't encouraging, these numbers should be! I really want to complete a 5k in under 30 minutes and if I'm able to get a number for the Peachtree Road Race, my ultimate goal is to finish that (a 10k) in under an hour. Train train train!

(This was Geoff's first 5k. He ran it in 26:06. He said he really wants to finish one in under 25 minutes, so I'm hoping that can be the motivation for him to do a few more with me!)

In nutritional news, I have a new favorite drink: a vanilla protein coffee frappe. De-licious and so easy to make! This was inspired after I realized that it's virtually impossible to get a flavored coffee drink at Starbucks (or anywhere else for that matter) under 100 calories. Seriously, what do they put in those things? This is all you need for mine: (Note--No artificial sweeteners! Yay for me!)

I brew a super concentrated cup or two of Cafe' Bustelo (the best coffee I've come across in terms of taste and affordability--you can find it in the ethnic foods aisle at the grocery store if it's not with the coffee). Combine this in a blender with ice, 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, and a scoop of vanilla whey protein. For about 150 calories you get your protein and a nice caffeine buzz--totally worth the calories if you consider the protein alone is 140!

I've also been trying to cut out the deli meat like everyone's suggested, finding other substitutes for sandwiches and protein. I will never go completely vegetarian, but I do love vegetables, and I'm beginning to get over the mindset that each meal needs to include meat to be considered complete.

The other day I made a portobello mushroom sandwich with spinach, tomatoes, spicy mustard, and sprouts. So good!

By the way the chips are Kettle Brand Baked Chips (do what now!?)--finally some baked chip options that don't taste like cardboard! These are still a rare indulgence because I know they are mostly nutritionally deficient, but seeing as I love chips, at least these don't make me feel terribly guilty after eating them (only 140 calories for 20 chips!).

Okay, I guess that's enough stalling. Time for progress pictures!

I think the Day 43 and Day 57 pictures look like they could have been hours apart, except for my wild lion's mane in the Day 57 (ignore that). I feel like my body is improving, but it's just not showing! I'm waiting until the last day of the program to put up pictures that are literally before and after (no progression), so until then I need to stay positive. I do like to put my hand up and block out the middle pictures and compare--it helps a little!

However, I will say that my arms look better (to me) and the past measurements for my hips finally showed the improvement--down 1.5-2 inches since the previous week! Maybe I was holding the tape wrong last time?

 I feel like such a goober when I take these photos. I'm just glad no one's home when I do it!

There you have it! I'm not super thrilled by this week's photos, but again, I need to be positive. If I'm maintaining at least it means I'm not gaining, which is a good thing. Possibly my body has simply gotten used to the workouts. I'm excited to finish Insanity and see what else there is to challenge myself. I've already gotten interested in yoga; I have a pending date with a hip-hop cardio class; and my brother-in-law wants me to try rock climbing. I'm just so happy that I've gotten to the point where I actually enjoy working out, or at least feel the need like a bad habit to do something active every day. I still can't believe how a few months ago I would lie around on the couch, eating crap, doing nothing all day, and complain about my weight. Seriously? What did I think was going to happen?

If you ever, ever see or hear of me doing this again--please feel free to give me a swift kick in the ass, or at least an invitation to go running!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A 2,000 Calorie Day

Yesterday I didn't have many commitments besides laundry and catching up on shows and my book (one I'm reading, not writing... yet), so I thought it would be a good day to document what typically comprises my 2,000 calorie allotment.

Before we begin, I would like to say that I realize most people work real jobs and probably don't have the luxury of making all of their own meals 6 times a day. What follows is a best case scenario/loose guide for my 2,000 calorie diet (a lot of this could be pre-made into batches and/or didn't take more than 20 minutes to make). I don't always cook everything for myself--I am subject to take out, eating out, and grabbing out... of the freezer. Also, I prefer to spend my money on fruits and vegetables and not super fancy-shmancy products (save for 100% whole grain/wheat), so a lot of my staples are Wal-mart brand. I don't claim to have the healthiest diet or know the best ratio of carbs/protein/fats, but I feel much better than I have in a long time, have a ton more energy, and I'm losing weight--so obviously I can't be doing too badly. Ok, back to the actual point of this post.

I usually try to eat breakfast first thing when I wake up, so I don't have to wait forever to work out (I don't like to eat less than an hour beforehand because it makes me sluggish, but I also can't work out on an empty stomach). I also try to make the first meal one of the bigger meals of the day so I'm full and don't overeat later on.

Yesterday I had one of my favorites:

1 Kashi blueberry waffle: 75 calories
1/4 cup frozen blueberries: 20 calories
1/2 tbsp raw local honey: 30 calories
1 tbsp natural extra crunchy peanut butter: 95 calories
1/2 tbsp organic coconut oil: 65 calories
Total: 285 calories

Toast the waffle and immediately add the coconut oil then peanut butter. I defrost the berries by running them under water, blot them dry, and them add them on top. Pop everything in the microwave for 30 seconds so the peanut butter melts and the berries get warm. I add the honey last. I also made an egg white omelet:


1/2 cup egg whites: 60 calories
6 slices of ham: 50 calories
1 slice of Swiss cheese: 40 calories
(plus black and red pepper to taste)
Total: 150 calories

I used to only use measuring cups for baking... once a year. Now I make sure to measure out all of my portions so I'm confident of the calorie count.

Meal #1: 435 calories

Oh and a water count! I try to drink 96 ounces of water a day, or 6 pints (divide your weight by half and that's how many ounces you should be drinking). Luckily my glassware consists entirely of beer pints, so it's easy to keep track. As long as I have a pint of water with each meal/snack, I'm good. (I don't count water during my workouts because I'm sweating that out.)

Total water so far: 16 ounces

Afterwards I start some laundry and head upstairs to take my vitamins. I always make sure to take them right after breakfast while my stomach is full, otherwise they make me nauseous.

I take a B complex (it's in liquid form, hence the dropper), a multi-vitamin, biotin for my hair and nails, flex-a-min (which is a glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM mashup for my joints), fish oil gummies (because I HATE burping up actual fish oil when I take the tablets), and a chewable vitamin C so I don't get sick (it's worked so far!). I usually bring up another pint of water with me so I can more easily swallow the non-chewables.

Water count so far: 32 ounces

(Side note: I guess I should mention that all together my vitamins--mostly because of the gummies--come in at 35 calories, but I don't log them because they are necessary and I really don't think 35 calories is breaking the bank.)

I like to keep my vitamins on my main dresser so they're in sight and I remember to take them. I have a stockpile in the top drawer so I don't run out, alongside my measuring tape and caliper for weekly measurements.

After this little ritual, I don my bathing suit in order to catch some vitamin D (the most important vitamin!) while I let my breakfast digest.

And yes, the sun is out at this point, because I didn't wake up until 11 am.

I'm a bartender.

Don't judge.

After sunning for a little while, I decide to postpone my workout another couple hours so I can finish my book and really work on my melanoma. Midway through, I realize it's been about 2.5 hours since breakfast, and thus, time for my snack (6 meals/snacks a day. So if I wake up at 11 am, I should stop eating at 11 pm--2 hours before bedtime--so the math works out to eating about every 2 hours).

This one's a simple and pretty standard snack for me--lunch meat rollups and an iced coffee:

4 slices of lunch meat (I used 2 turkey and 2 ham): 35 calories
1 Sargento light string cheese (I know you can barely see it--it's behind the pickle): 50 calories
1 sandwich-sliced pickle: 5 calories
A ton of mustard: 0 calories (load her up, baby!)
Total: 90 calories

Fold it up and eat it like a taco.

On to the iced coffee:

1 tbsp of grounds per cup of water is my general rule of thumb.

1 tbsp of So Delicious coconut milk creamer: 20 calories
2 packets of Splenda: inconsequential
Total: 20 calories

(Side note #2: I know some people are against artificial sweeteners and/or are affected by them. I am neither of these things and would rather spend the calories elsewhere. Again--don't judge.)

So total for meal #2: 110 calories

Water count so far (Why yes, I do count the water in my coffee!): 48 ounces

After this I switch the load of laundry from the washer to the dryer and head back outside for a little while to finish reading. After what I feel is a sufficient amount of time to digest meal #2, I gear up for my workout (the caffeine is definitely helping at this point).

Yesterday was the Max Interval Circuit:

(I've gotten to where I only use 2 mats up front for the push-up portions of the workouts. I liked the cushioned impact of using the entire matted surface, but it slid around entirely too much on the carpet.)

Yeah, this is what I listen to when I workout. Busta Rhymes is classic.

One grueling hour later, and I feel great! I also drank 2 pints of water, but again, these don't count for my daily total.

(And yes, that is a picture of me and Geoff with mustaches in the background. He got it gallery-wrapped for my birthday. He knows me so well.)

I'm getting much better at the max workouts in this 2nd week (of the 2nd month).

I really enjoy crossing off my days once I complete a workout, and lately I've also really enjoyed Max Interval Circuit because so far I've been able to burn the most calories with it. Yesterday was no different:

Pay less attention to the sweaty wrist and more attention to the fact that it says I burned 530 calories! Very nice.

It's now definitely time to refuel my body with a delicious protein shake:

1 cup unsweetened almond milk: 40 calories
1 scoop chocolate Body Fortress protein powder: 140 calories
1 medium banana (minus the ends): 130 calories
5 strawberries: 25 calories (at 5 cal. a piece)
2 tbsp sugar free chocolate syrup: 15 calories
Total: 350 calories (meal #3)

I love this little blender by the way. I got it at Target on sale for about $15, but you can find it here for about the same price. It has measurements on the side (capable of holding 16 oz. total), and the lid has a slot that slides back so you can just drink from the container. I usually transfer it to another glass because it's a little awkward, but the whole thing is perfect for single serving shakes.

Yum (but I wish it actually was Baileys!). So at this point I'm 3 "meals" in and my total so far is 865 calories, which is perfect. I still have lunch, dinner, and another snack with 1,035 calories left in the bank. The caffeine from earlier and the endorphins from my workout are shifting into high gear, plus Busta is still going at it in the background, so I decide to throw myself a little dance party and shake off a few more calories.

Even Shelbie joins in!

Well... kinda.

She's soon distracted by the Kong ball, which Charlie quickly steals from her.

I dance for about 45 minutes and manage to burn off another 215 calories. By the way, the ever popular move "drop it like it's hot" is just a code name for squats.

Total calories burned: 745 :)

I also had a water after my "I'm so glad I'm the only one home" attempt at dancing, so...

Total water so far: 64 ounces

(Side note #3: I also realize that most people can't workout for 2 straight hours and chill with their dogs all day, but by this time it's only about 4 pm, and if I were to have worked yesterday night, everything up until now would still have been accomplished--just remember we have different schedules!)

Speaking of, if I had worked yesterday, my lunch (or meal #4) would probably be something like a sandwich or high calorie protein bar at work depending on when I ate my last meal/snack, but since yesterday I literally had nothing to do but prepare meals and take pictures of them, I decided to make myself something a little fancier.

1 serving whole wheat couscous (about 1/2 cup cooked): 220 calories
1 serving tuna (1/2 can): 50 calories
1/6 cup Craisins: 65 calories
1/2 apple: 40 calories
1/3 cup peas: 40 calories
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar: 25 calories
1 large sprig of apple mint (from my garden!): 0 calories
(plus garlic, black pepper, red pepper, cumin, and paprika to taste)
Total: 440 calories (meal #4)

I diced the whole apple and then sauteed it with the sprig of mint, water, and cinnamon for about 2 minutes to soften.

In order to not waste the 2nd half of the apple and can of tuna, I went ahead and doubled the recipe in a bowl and mixed everything together. Then I halved it, storing the second portion for later this week.

Plus, now I have some extra couscous in case I decide to make a different flavor later. Also, I realize it's not the most attractive dish, but it's super nutritious and actually pretty tasty.

Aaaaand, you guessed it! Another pint of water! This brings my total so far up to 80 ounces--well on my way to the goal of 96.

I actually ended up letting this couscous chill in the fridge for a couple of hours while I showered and put away some laundry. I wasn't hungry after the protein shake, and it wasn't time to eat anyways.

I pretty much take up most of the room in the fridge (sorry, roommates!). The Sprites and everything left of the pickles on the middle shelf aren't mine. I'm guilty of the rest of it.

By the way, while I was putting away laundry, the doorbell rings. It's the UPS guy with my package from Amazon! Yay! I love delivery days. Check out my goodies:

A Blender Bottle to eliminate clumpy protein shakes when I don't feel like adding anything extra (so sans mini-blender) and a Zune armband for when I go running! (Yes, I'm a Zune kid) These were my "gifts" to myself for doing well last week coughminusmybingefridaynightcough. :)

Finish laundry. Check.

Shower. Check.

Eat "lunch" (aka meal #4, a la couscous). Check.

Catch up on shows. Check.

By this time, Geoff should be on his way home and hungry, but he reminds me via text that he's got a dinner tonight with the other coaches of the track team. This actually makes dinner easier for me because if anyone hates my addition of vegetables (or "hippy" food as he calls it) into anything remotely normal, it'd be that kid--the king of Pringles, Sprite, kid cereal, and PopTarts. That's basically his diet--no kidding... except every once in a while he'll treat himself to beef jerky (protein!). He's stopped complaining for the most part and usually just picks around the "flower children" now. Lately, I've actually seen him try a few. Score one for real food!

I eventually settle on spaghetti--nothing easier.

1 serving 100% whole grain pasta (about 1 cup cooked): 200 calories
1/2 cup marinara: 80 calories
1/2 cup mushrooms: 25 calories
6 quartered artichoke heart pieces: 20 calories (spread these apart so they go further)
5 green olives: 20 calories (I like to chop these up)
2 tsp Parmesan cheese: 30 calories
Total: 375 calories (meal #5)

By the way, teaspoons are a lot smaller than you'd think, so don't guestimate! Cheese calories can add up quickly... because I. Love. Cheese.

Voila. Finished product. Filling and delicious.

Plus yet another pint of water brings me to my goal of 96 ounces!

This is eaten around 9 pm at night, which is a pretty standard dinner time for me on the nights I don't work. I've always been a night owl, so the "golden rule" of never eating past 7 pm is not practical. That's why I've adopted the "2 hours before bedtime" rule. That way I've peed out most of the water and digested most of the food so I don't wake myself up in the middle of the night.

But I'm not done just yet! After finishing The Voice, it's time for my last meal, which is usually my "treat." My brother-in-law suggested not eating sweets this late at night, but lately I've developed such a sweet tooth after having not really cared for sweets before that I pretty much have to finish my day off on this note.

Not to worry, though. I can usually keep it in check. Last night I made myself a parfait:

1 serving Yoplait 2x protein Greek blueberry yogurt: 110 calories
9 Blue Diamond dark chocolate roasted almonds: 80 calories
1/4 cup frozen blueberries: 20 calories (kept frozen this time)
1 piece of dark chocolate: 55 calories
1 tbsp wheat germ: 25 calories
Total: 290 calories (meal #6--final meal) 

I like to mix up the fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, layer frozen berries, then half the yogurt, then the almonds and broken up dark chocolate, the other half of yogurt, and lastly, the wheat germ. Finally a healthy product finds its way into my rocks glass.

I wash it down with yet another pint of water finishing my day out at 112 ounces total.

As for calories, if you've been following along, you'll see that I clocked in at exactly 2,000 calories! It can be done!

Meal #1: 435 calories
Meal #2: 110 calories
Meal #3: 350 calories
Meal #4: 440 calories
Meal #5: 375 calories
Meal #6: 290 calories
Total/day: 2,000 calories!

If you need less than this (again, figure it out with an online calorie calculator)--skip some cheese, or lessen your portion of couscous or pasta, or skip a snack and space your meals out to 5 every 3 hours or so. I try to keep my meals/snacks on average about 300 calories so I have a little wiggle room, but on the flip side if you've figured out that you need more calories than this, have that second waffle or double your portions of veggies and sauce or whatever it may be.

I hope this has been somewhat helpful to at least someone. I'm not sure anybody could convince me to document my day like this again. For one thing, it's incredibly embarrassing to realize how little you accomplish on your day off, and for another, it's also incredibly annoying to photograph the meal-making process when you're sweaty and hungry! But it should be nice to see that you don't have to starve yourself when you reduce calories. I literally eat all the time now (see above), and by the time I get to the end of a meal, I'm totally satisfied (but not stuffed--which means I'm finally eating the correct portion size).

(Fourth and final side note: I do, however, realize--compliments of this post--that I eat a lot of carbs. Heh. Energy, right?)

(Side note #5: During final edits, it dawned on me that I "G.T.L.'ed" it yesterday.

...Oh, no.

I need a job.
